this report was written by Simon Nie when finishing the SEED Lab — Dirty Cow.
Table of Contents
Task 1: Modify a Dummy Read-Only File
1. Create a Dummy File
2. Set Up the Mem...
Table of Contents
1. 什么是格式化字符串
2. 栈与格式化字符串
3. 如果参数数量不匹配
4. 访问任意位置内存
5. 在内存中写一个数字
Task 1: The Vulnerable Program
Task 2: Understanding the Layout of the Stack
This is report of SEED Lab report.
Table of Contents
Task 1: Choosing Our Target
Task 2: Launching the Race Condition Attack
Task 3 Countermeasure: Applying the Principle of ...
This is a report about SEED Software Security lab, Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Lab.
Written by Simon Nie.
The main knowledge involved:
• Buffer overflow vulnerability and ...